see this picture above .. aren't we're sweet ? gee . i love you baby . and thanks for motivating me always . i appreciate much for everything you did. the outing we had was awesome although we just went to bugis ans marinA Square . and thanks for the starbucks coffee and pastamania treat:D . and you know what ? i enjoyed laughing and entertaining your gila-gila action . hehe . thanks for layankan i too :D .
i wanna share about what i did . early inthe morning was waken up by ibu cox nenek and uncle form dad side is coming .. so after talking got hurt a lilttle by what ibu had said and then lincah-lincah siap kluar rumah , met love at pasir ris and then of we went to bugis, roamed all around bugis street & junction cox love wanna go shopping, first headed to pastamania . and then off we went to shopping, tapy sayang nyer lah kan takder baju lawa lawa . in the end went to mrina square we sat at starbucks cosy sofa seat and we ate chocolate truffle with java chips & mocha frappucino :D. thanks to love again :D. a few minutes later wahhh~ bunyi firework. sayangku tak pernah tengok bunga api agaknyer he asked for my permission to see the firework , i allowed , and then he rush . JAKUN . hehe . i sat alone waitng for him to came back . after he came back mata dher merah merah. contact lens expired . i was worried so i force him to go tampines and buy a new contact lenses before i got worse , and he did rush to tampines, all shop were closed as it was already 930, but we went to century square luckily a shop was half closed . we went in and then he bought it , after buying and then love send me home, thanks sweetheart . i love you :D