Tuesday, August 24, 2010 / 5:48 PM

hey readers
I'm back updating sorry for not updating this few days, I've not been feeling very well, I've been having high fever ever since on last Sunday. poor me. hees, on last Saturday 21 August, went to bazzar geylang to buka with love and his family for the first time at Broadway "something something", ha ha. i cant really recalled what's the name of the place where we buka. but sure thing i remember it's started with Broadway. *blush* . how can i say about love family ? they were all cute especially his mum, kecik orangnyer. :) there's alot of thing to talk about . cuma saya aja yang malu malu. love dad and my uncle are friends , that's so co-incidence right ? kecik kan singapore and love ever told me that my stepmum pernah datang his house to karaoke dulu, my uncle pernah maen bola sesame with him and his dad. love dad look so fierce from the outside but friendly indeed. i sit still tak gerak banyak takot clumsy, people know me well how clumsy i am. gaah. his youngest sister syasya cute sgt sgt ader dimple :)), love younger brother mcm abg abg berg. haha. after buka salam his mum make our move and we all walked to our seperated ways, me and love went to walk around just the both of us, his family went to city plaza untuk tgk kuih kuih. after which, we proceed to kallang skygarden slacked till about 1030pm. and then back to home, thanks love for the day. ily :).
on the midnight at 12am i felt really giddy . i wonder why , the morning i woke up i got high fever for two day, :/ . and now fever gone but saw eyes . haiyaa. get well soon to me . :)