Thursday, August 26, 2010 / 7:39 PM

hello to all :D
hey, how is everybody feelings? well, i'm still not feeling very well . OMG , i'm coughing like hell tekak ni kering sangat sangat till i batuk then keluar darah pasal panas. arghh. dugaan . okay two days straight i've been sleeping for the whole day, whole day people. morning till night. too bad love is sicked too , jangkit from me uh . haha . i got a week off from work :), i want to get recover faster, i'm sicked off eating medicine, haish. in another couple of days time school is going to be re-open soon. :(,
ibu had promise me nak ajak gy geylang today untuk beli baju raya tapi last minute tak jadi. so, maybe some other time. :(