i'm totally dissapointed of the things that happened today , but still thanks to ayu smookie kins , fahmi and nadia stubborn for the karaoke-ing time , i had fun through out of it . thanks :) . to you people who dissapointed me, i'm totally pissed off with you guys. next time jgn janji kalau tak boleh ditepati. korang pk kelakar eyh ? you guys have like bring hope in me, kalau korang taknak kluar next time cakap, takmu buang masa aku okay . okay guys , let see. what happened today. firstly, my dearest boyfriend keluar with his classmate, and dont want to bring me out. cox nak blaja dari pagi sampai ker malam. (okay understood) . secondly, i made plans with my kwn kwn primary school, ader yg ckp tak boleh lah aperhlah . in the end me & this two monyet agreed to kluar with me , butttttt. bile keluar ngan dorang , dorang ader hal. abeh they left me laone . abeh aku nie ape sia ? sorang sorang cam bodoh, then texted boyfriend , mengadu nasib . but then got to know boyfriend going to grandlink KARAOKE. yerlah kan blaja dari pagi smpai MALAM ! . you know the two monyet ader hal, and i'm at payar lebar too . boyfriend is there at grandlink apeh lah salahnyer if he tarik me from them ? as i'm alone . but no. he enjoyed himself karaoke-ing and ignored me . just how can i not be that pissed off with you ? the two monyet was too stressed out . and i did cried. mestilah ! sapa kan tak geram . abeh dah tuh dah jauh jauh pergi srh orang buka burger ramly . pkir klaka peh . and then came ayuu smookie kins and then kiter gy buka sesame. selamat ayuu ader if not i'm gonna be a buka alone . without anybody care . okay skg aku pissed off .