Night ride at seletar with boyfriend and friends :), nice bike huh ? our friend's bike. the bike behind belong to boyfriend.
hey kamu,
i'm so thankful to god that i know you,:) the bestest ever boyfriend that willing to sacrifise everything for me even the little2 things. You gave me strenght, advices, you were by my side on every step i take, in everything i do & every decision i made. every where i go there's always you. i nagged at you and you would always listened although i know inside your heart you cursed me . haha. no matter how busy you are when you're packed with your own schedule you would spent a little time for me everyday without failed althought it could only last for an hour or two. syahid, i know we cant be perfect for each other nobody does but i'm still glad with the life i'm having now, with you :).