Tuesday, June 7, 2011 / 11:31 PM

woke up at 930am today, had breakfast, lunch, skip dinner and this is supper .
School was tiring especially when it comes to napfa test just now.. i was excited to complete the 5 stations and get 'A' for all the stations. As for 2.4km run i walked all the way, as i dont care much for it. haha.
after school took bus 12 to pasir ris interchange thought of going off early but i was hungry, therefore bought my food at ananas cafe and met tun at manhattan fish along with ben and chitra. i sat there until 6+ pm, was lazy to go home but i had to cos i stand being too sleepy. reached home wash my feet and then sleep tak larat nak mandi.
woke up and 9pm , bathed and facebook. okay now i'm tired .. i want to sleep :) gdnight.btw, to u.
i love you more than anyone else could . :')