Friday, June 3, 2011 / 4:32 PM

sumpah hari ini mendak gila!
i'm lazy to attend school today.
28++ misscall given to me early in the morning
from my dearest classmate.
sweet kan dorg satu satu kejut bangun untuk sekolah?
tapi i switch off my alarm clock and switch off my phone to silent mode.
sorry , seriously malas nak pergi school. heh (Y).
malas nak keluar rumah even keluar bilik pun.
haha. boleh eh gitu?
so all day long at home in my room.
tmr fiona's engagement day at jrg west. :)so basically, that's the only plan for tmr and as for sunday
going to meet my dearest babygee.
a short post will do, i do not have anything in mind to speak out.
okay, will update again some other time.