Sunday, November 13, 2011 / 2:19 AM

Things now had changed and kau dah bukan syahid yang aku kenal, you changed a lot. before, I'm the first one to know everything now seem that I'm the last one to get to know about everything worsen I've to find out from your friends.. sad much huh? Your feelings to me seems to fade away. Now, We seldom meet each other, we seldom talk on the phone and we dont text anymore. Is it even hard for you to reply one text message? i would be glad if you do. whenever i tried to call you, you'll get pissed and fucked up. It's not that I dont understand you.. i dont mind if I got to meet for only 5minutes, but you dont want to meet me at all. Come on, kau dah nak masuk ns, if we're not gonna spent time now. then when? I understand that you're busy that's is why I do not demand you for an 24 hours attention. As you had promises that saturday is our day to spent time together but now it decreases. Saturday skg tak free tak free, kalau keluar pun lepak ngn kwn kwn. kita tak spent time dua orang punn. kalau lepak ngn kwn kwn kau pun bukan nya kau layan aku. aku terpaksa layan diri sendiri ataupun layan kwn kwn kau. kalau gitu puas hati aku lepak jeh ngan kwnkwn kau, takya jumpa kau, be glad that even i felt this way I didn't bring up as an issue to. Doesn't meant i didn't tell you anything, I don't feel a thing. I do. You lied, You cheat, You left me alone on the road and you did something disgraceful, you scold me, you talked bad about my family, you compared me, you leave me for other girl, you hurt me alot.. but where am I? I'm still here forgiving and forgiving over and over again.. did I leave you? NO I don't wherelse i keep coming back to you despite all the shit you gave. I didn't say that I'm an angel. yes. I'm a human being I commit mistakes too I did scolded you, I'm over protective, getting angry out of insecurity, I lied about my past.. cos why? cos i do not want to lose you.. No matter how angry i am towards you, i'll put my ego aside to console you.. countless of times been coming down to your voideck at late night to console, but you do even care.. you do ever come down to meet me? no you don't.. You seems not to cared if you were to lose me. there's no trust in this r/s. I dont know if you're worth my time, worth to stay or even worth to fight for.. I'm just clapping with one hand. cos it's me who had always stand for this 2 r/s.. patience have it's limit.. I can't be all alone for this. if you did not change at all don't blame me if i have to leave.. If i have the courage to move on don't come back to me. but now.. my happiness is in you. please change.