Saturday, July 16, 2011 / 11:45 PM

I just miss the bff thingy the three of us used to have, used to have fun with and mostly the time we used to spent during or after school to study together teaching each other.
rmbr, those time when shira was attacked by those birds? we ran all the way to checked if she's alright, i miss that part and those weekends before me and shira going off to work we would spent for just a little while to study under the voideck at tampines. i miss those part too. Rmbr those time we used to claim that bff would always stay together.
To azhar, i'm sorry i should'nt have liked you in the first placed, i should'nt put any hopes on you. I would rather things stay as being bff not more than that. i know i hurt you too much but please if only i could turned back the time i would'nt want things to happened like this, i would want things to stay like the first day we met in school as friends and be you bff . I let you off from trouble as i gave alot of it. i know now everything mean nothing to you, i know you hate me for everything i had done or caused you. i'm sorry my friend )':
To azhar, i'm sorry i should'nt have liked you in the first placed, i should'nt put any hopes on you. I would rather things stay as being bff not more than that. i know i hurt you too much but please if only i could turned back the time i would'nt want things to happened like this, i would want things to stay like the first day we met in school as friends and be you bff . I let you off from trouble as i gave alot of it. i know now everything mean nothing to you, i know you hate me for everything i had done or caused you. i'm sorry my friend )':
To shira, I should'nt had neglected you, should'nt had made you feel left out being with us. i should'nt have let you walked alone until now you have found your friends, i'm sorry for not being there, i'm sorry i didn't showed that i cared.
I'm sorry i'm the caused of everything. i've ruined our friendship. I just wish that everything would be back to the way it was (':
I'm sorry i'm the caused of everything. i've ruined our friendship. I just wish that everything would be back to the way it was (':
from: [f]orever, durrah (':
Labels: thebfftthingy